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2022 TEAAS Archive

Video of Presentations

IAAPA TEAAS keynote address with Len Testa
The Role of Narrative Structure in Location-Based Experiences: Sarah Hicks
Core Design Elements From Immersive Theatre For Diegetic Theme Park Queues – Jordan Zauha, University of Central Florida
Why Spider-Man Can’t Go to Disney World – Michael Burnstein
Afternoon keynote address: Ellen Lupton
Apparitions: Designing For Illusionistic Screen Space: Joel Zika, Kent State University
The convergence of embodiment and interactivity in themed entertainment – Chip Limeburner and Rilla Khaled, Concordia University
The Prevalence of Storyworlds and Thematic Landscapes In Global Theme Parks – Carissa Baker, Rosen School, University of Central Florida
UCF/Meow Wolf Writers Workshop. Ken Neville, Meow Wolf

Poster Presentations

Conservation & Fandom: Exploring the Cross-Disciplinary Link Between Management, Visitor Experience & Technology for National Parks & Theme Parks

Resonant Experience Design: A New Experiential Design Approach Based on the Aristotelian Concept of Experience

Augmented Reality Character Companions in Theme Parks: A Speculative Design Project

Studying Disney: A Spoonful of Sugar helps the Medicine (of interdisciplinary education and applied research) go down!

Location-Based Attractions for the Era of Virtual Worlds and Metaverse